Automatic location
10/11/2024 08:38:56 UT 60 km NNE of Aoste (Italy)
Caution: this automatic location has not been confirmed by a seismologist
Event characteristics This information has not been confirmed by a seismologist, subsequent rectification is therefore likely.
10/11/24 43 Arrivals RMS : 1.12 Type :uk
Origin time: 08:38:56.80 ± 0.36
Latitude : 46.17 ± -1.0 1/2 Major Axis : 7.7 km
Longitude : 7.73 ± -1.0 1/2 Minor Axis : 3.5 km
Depth: 2. (Imposed) Azimuth mj Axis : 92.0 deg
ML : 2.90±0.35 of 15 stations
Location in relation to nearby cities 60 km NNE of AOSTE (ITALY) (100 residents)
70 km E of CHATEL (HAUTE-SAVOIE) (1300 residents)
73 km ENE of CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC (HAUTE-SAVOIE) (9700 residents)
90 km SSE of BERNE (SWITZERLAND, Capitale) (135000 residents)