Interactive seismic bulletin
  The Laboratory for Detection and Geophysics seismic bulletin is a weekly catalog compiled by our seismologists. For events occurring after 01/01/2000, you can query this bulletin by using the search form below.

You can also read the archives of the weekly bulletins (France and border regions bulletin) which are official publications of the Laboratory for Detection and Geophysics.

The LDG worldwide seismic bulletin is suspended since 06/15/2010.

  Search for seismic events
You can search using the engine below:

Display the most recent events corresponding to the following criteria:
Events occurring from to inclusive
Latitude min: Latitude max: Decimal separator '.',
e.g. : 3.0
Longitude min:   Longitude max:
Min: Max:
Local events Teleseismic events

weekly bulletin archives
most recent automatic locations
most recent seismic alerts