Detection of radionuclides in the atmosphere: aerosol and gas
Prototypes of aerosol and gas radionuclide stations have been designed and developed by the CEA. The CEA's industrial partner, SFI-Environnement SA, was in charge of industrialization.
Aerosol radionuclide stations
Systems for sampling the aerosols in the air and measuring radioactive isotopes.


Aerosol sampling of a large quantity of air with highly efficient filter.

Filter compression to optimize measurement.

γ spectrometry-based detection of natural and artificial radioactive isotopes.


Daily air volume processed: 14 000 m³.

Particle volume concentration factor: 4.108.

Examples of minimum detectable activity: 140Ba and 137Cs ≤ 30 µBq.m-3.

Data transmission every 24 hours.
Aerosol sampling system. Tahiti station (CTBT FRP27).
Gas radionuclides stations: SPALAX
Inline automated sampling system with analysis of xenon contained in the air and radioactive isotope measurement system.


Air sampling,

Elimination based on permeation of water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide through a nitrogen producing membrane,

Xenon and radon separation,

Xenon concentration by selective adsorption-desorption on activated carbon,

γ spectrometry detection of 4 xenon radioactive isotopes.


Daily air volume processed: 85 m³.

Xenon volume concentration factor: 2.106.

Radon decontamination factor > 105.

Example of minimum detectable concentration: 133Xe ≤ 0,5 mBq.m-3.

Data transmission every 24 hours.
SPALAX, gas radionuclide station.

Example of atmospheric concentration measurements of the 4 xenon radioactive isotopes (131mXe, 133Xe, 133mXe, 135Xe) taken with an operational station.
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